
I have recieved my application forms for Waseda at last. Too bad they were available online for many months now - they only decided to tell me which ones to fill out (all of them) yesterday.

And those Japanese, well, they sure do love their forms. In addition to a bank balance certificate, academic transcript, two more reference letters, passport photos, a passport photocopy and a million weird questions, I have to write a two-page essay on what I hope to achieve during my exchange. Apart from language and cultural aquisition. lol what?
I guess this calls for a read of the School of International Liberal Studies' (where I will be studying) mission statement ;-)

Oh well, I had better get started. Can't let some crazies who have nothing better to do than write extremely complicated forms stop me now!

... is what I need now. I've applied for my exchange, and all I can do is wait while Adelaide Uni and Waseda Uni contact each other to send the application forms over or whatever. I hope the JASSO (scholarship) is one of them!

On another note, I need to start looking at where I can book myself a Tohoshinki concert ticket.

PS: How many people will see this? Is it just you, Rob?


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