
Hmm. There have been many occasions this year when I've found myself going 'hmm'.
They are for good reasons, bad reasons, and all the shades of grey in between.

Right now, though, the hmm is about the future. In fact, this is a subject that often gets a hmm.I don't know what I want to do with my future. Well, I do know that I want to go to Japan, but apart from that I'm fairly uncertain. Recently, though, I'm even starting to hmm about that as well.
It's not that I don't want to go, because this has been my sole goal for ages and it still is, but there are now more reasons to hmm about it.
As the my time of departure approaches, I'm coming to realise that 10 months is quite a while in which I won't be seeing my close friends and family. Hmm. We will all change in those 10 months (surely for the better :) ), and I just hope that we don't change so much that old friendships won't be relevant anymore.

But, I'm always optimistic, so I'm not too worried about it. Just hmming away. ^__^


  1. Robert said...

    We'll miss you! :(  


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