Falling into place...

It's funny, isn't it. Even when you know, when you have known for a long time, that something is going to happen, it still surprising when it finally does.
What am I talking about? Well, yesterday I found out that I have been awarded the JASSO scholarship for my exchange. This will pretty much cover all of my rent and give me some money to spare each month (which will in all likelihood go towards food - the rest of my money is reserved for "Jaejoong sweat seats" as James would say).
I always knew that I was going to get it from the moment I first heard about it. The plans I made in my head took this fact into account (of course, I did have a Plan B). But now that it's finally happened, well, I am grateful. It feels good to be able to accomplish this exchange on my own, without relying on my parents.

I'm going to make the most of this opportunity. I'd like to say a big thankyou to all the people who have made it possible. You know who you are :)


  1. Robert said...

    Tehehe, Jaejoong sweat seats :P
    Good to hear the trip is all coming together!  


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