
It's funny how life just keeps giving you surprises. How it seems to know what you want, and conspire to give you all that you desired, and more.
The other night, the day after I'd published my 'goals' post, my dad brought it up in conversation (yes, I did give my parents the address of this blog - whether that is a good thing or a bad thing I'm not sure at this point >.>).
"Daniel", he says, "I noticed that you said that one of your goals was to drive a GT-R."
"Yes", I replied tentatively, unsure of what he was getting at. I know he disregards all Japanese cars as 'soulless', even though his first car was a Mitsubishi Lancer with custom rims and an aftermarket soundsystem.
I let him go on.
"Well, I thought that before you left, you should have something to compare it to, just in case you do get to drive one. You know I do have a sportscar here myself..."*
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After four and a half years, he was finally going to let me drive his car! It was a big risk on his part (insurance-wise), but I guess he trusted me. And my spotless record couldn't have hurt (let us forget that one time on the dirt road...).

Anyway, on Sunday morning (yes, Father's Day) he drove me down to the wide-open roads of Regency Park. The last time I was here was way back when I was a learner!
I drove the car, first with him in the passenger seat, and then all by myself. How was it?
Amazing. It has an engine twice as big and three times as powerful as my little ol' Pug, and it showed. Acceleration was effortless. Changing gears was a breeze with the paddle-shift, and surprisingly responsive too! But the best part of it was the sound. Putting your foot down with the window open - that's all the sound system you'll ever need.

At least now I'll have something to compare the GT-R to.  ^___~

*Some artistic liberty may have been taken while recording this conversation.


  1. James said...

    Aaaaaah that's awesome!
    From the way you write, it drives just as well as it looks!  

  2. Robert said...
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  3. Robert said...

    Wew, that's very cool!
    I eagerly await a comparison blog when you DO find a wealthy GT-R toting Japanese businessman to befriend :D  

  4. Andrew said...

    mmm nice :) once you go Italian i dont know how you would want to get into a Japanese 'sports' car hehe :P  

  5. Daniel said...

    Hahaha, ok. I shall post a comparison!

    And Andrew... each type of car has its merits. One of the merits of Japanese cars are that they're significantly cheaper ;) (not that it really matters - if you want a car enough, it doesn't matter about the price).

  6. Robert said...

    I daresay your typical Japanese sports car might just be a smidge more reliable than your typical Italian sports car :P  


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