A New Toy

I shouldn't be spending money, really. Well, not on such superflous things like a new Nintendo DSi and game. Especially when I should be spending it on things like food and textbooks...
Hrm, well, I guess the game *is* completely in Japanese, so in actual fact what I have bought is merely another learning tool! That's what I shall tell myself in those restless times at night when I am filled with regret and self-doubt. Indeed....

Why are there three DSis? Well, today, I went with my friends Dave (also Aussie), Mike (from Arizona) and Tatsuki (Japanese guy - very awesome) and three of us bought a DS and that particular game, Dragon Quest IX. Mine is the red one~ although I think the metallic blue colour is also very cool. Now, to start learning, slowly, how to play...

In other news, I recieved Epik High's [e] album in the mail today as well. I love their music to no end - and this two-cd wonder is no exception.
Ooh, yeah, and also, I was talking to some other people at the dorm today, and they are keen on going to a Tohoshinki concert sometime too! I really should sign up to BigEast soon...


  1. JOHN PRETTY said...

    buying nintendo is never a waste of money

    plus you are aiding japan's economy during the declining GFC.

    p.s. i am posting this with the Wii.  

  2. Rowan said...

    Nice work Dan! Learning tool, definitely. I like that thinking mate. Enjoy it! :D  

  3. Anonymous said...

    Looks cool! Paint me green with envy...well only if you must
    Great to hear your enjoying ur trip though

  4. Elena G. said...

    I'm so jealous of you now. You've left me stuck with the 'old' ds lite!How is dragon quest IX going?  

  5. Daniel said...

    It's quite good thanks. And your DS isn't old - mine is basically the same, anyway! And at least yours doesn't have a stuck pixel ;)  


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