We have LIFE!

It all started in late September last year. My friend Dave and I travelled out to a random train station to check out the 'Sexy Football Club' (I'll leave that to your imaginations). As we were leaving, we came across what appeared to be a traffic safety promotion, featuring a giant cat:

They were also handing out little pots of flowers for free that day. If you look closely at my hand, you can see that I'm holding a bag with the pot of flowers in it. Somehow, those flowers made it back to my dorm room and were placed on my balcony.
It's a miracle that they're still alive. They have lived through a freezing winter and intermittent periods of dehydration (oops), coming to the verge of death more than once. Throughout all of this, all they have had to survive on is water, which slowly but steadily washes away their life-soil.
But today, when I went out to pull in my washing, I was greeted by a surprise. LIFE! (a.k.a. some flowers). I am not hesitating to call this the greatest achievement of my trip so far.

And finally, as a little treat, here's a photo of Mt. Fuji I snapped whilst on the way back from the SuperGT race at Fuji Speedway on Sunday:

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  1. Robert said...

    bwahaha, I'm very impressed! You have cultivated a flower! What will you do with it when your exchange in Japan ends? :O  

  2. Daniel said...

    Perhaps I will release it into the wild...  

  3. Robert said...

    Tehehe, plant it somewhere where it'll be safe and one day you can come back to visit Japan and see if its still there :P  

  4. xiao hui said...

    the flowers r beautiful!!
    good job!~  


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