Adelaide Blues

It's less than three weeks until I depart, and that feeling is starting to come over me. You know, the feeling that you get a couple of days before a really awesome game that you've been looking forward to for a long time is released.
You've read every scrap of information about it, talked to your friends and family about it and pre-ordered the ultimate special edition of it. And now all you can do is wait.
Every other game just seems, well, boring. It doesn't have special feature X, and the graphics look quite dated compared to the Youtube-HD clips you've been watching. Even though there are a bunch of great games on your shelf left unplayed, you don't want to play them. Hurry up and arrive already, new game!

PS: The blogs title comes from here.
PPS: I know that was confusing.
PPPS: In other news, I made pasta for lunch!


  1. Robert said...

    Nyaww, we'll miss you!
    PS: pasta looks good! :D  

  2. lina said...

    looks like you're preparing well so that you won't starve over there, I'll laugh if they didn't have pasta :P  

  3. Daniel said...

    Yeah, I'm sure they will.
    The question is though - will they have any of the other things that I've learned to use? Like tomatoes in a can? Or cherry tomatoes? Or ricotta?

    And will it be at a reasonable price?

    Haha, who knows, I may end up eating cheap bento every day :P  

  4. Alicia said...

    Hullo! It's Alicia from the In Your Basement blog~

    You're a Cowboy Bebop fan! That's fantastic! :D Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!  

  5. Daniel said...

    Hey Alicia, thanks for stopping by!
    Yes, bebop is awesome. And so is Champloo - I wonder what they'll do next?

    Anyway, I'm sure I'll be meeting you very soon. よろしくおねがいします!  

  6. lina said...

    lol, bento's nice... except you'll get sick of it if you have too much. I'm sure it'll work out :)  

  7. Rowan said...

    As Rob said, we will indeed miss you very much mate!

    Also, great looking pasta there, you Masterchef you! :D  


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