My Sardine Tin

I've finally received the details for my accommodation in Tokyo. I'm going to be staying at a dorm that is not all to dissimilar to what I thought I would be staying in a year ago, but much closer to Waseda and with a slightly bigger area (12.65 m^2):

The best part about this for me is that I will (oh so thankfully) have my own toilet and bath/shower. The bathroom may be the size of that on an aeroplane, but at least it's MY tiny bathroom!
I'll also have a backyard (a.k.a. balcony), fridge and fast internet. What more could I want? After all, I probably won't be spending all too much time in there.

After I settle in, I think I'll make up a video tour of the place to show everyone. Not that there'll be much touring necessary - I've pretty much shown you everything already.

It's only a month to go now - I'm excited!


  1. lina said...

    It's neat, I really like it. (I like how you put the title as "my sardine tin". It's more like a shoe box, but anyway :P). Wow, sounds exciting. Hrm... I haven't had my own room and study for so long I forgot what it's like. Makes me kinda miss home.  

  2. Daniel said...

    Hehe, thanks. It was the one I wanted so I'm really happy!

    Oh, the name comes from a post I made ages ago (

    Mmm, well, there are advantages and disadvantages to having your own room. But I know what you mean - having your own space is very important...  

  3. Robert said...

    Ehehe, its so cosy :P  

  4. Anonymous said...

    so small O_O  


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