Nine Months

Some of you may remember, if you cast your minds back, to the video I uploaded showing my room here in Tokyo. Well, I thought that since it's been the better part of a year since then, it might be a good idea to show you what my room looks like now!
I've obviously personalised it a lot and made it feel much more like a home. Indeed, I feel that I'll come to miss it when I leave - sleeping in the middle of a big room with space all around me may be rather unsettling!

And, as before, a video tour!

Return to blog homepage.


  1. Robert said...

    Nice! I like all the little bits and pieces here and there, like the small alfa poster on the wall, and the "don't waste time on the Internet!" thing above your desk :P
    Also... Do I spy your man bag on top of your fridge? :D  

  2. Daniel said...

    Bwahaha, you do have an eye for details, don't you! The words don't seem to have any effect...

    And yes, that is my man bag there :P
    Although every guy here has one. In fact, mine is on the very manly side of things - some of the ones they have here are basically a woman's bad >.> (of the large variety).  

  3. Robert said...

    Haha, I think you've done pretty well... after all, you do have a blog to maintain :P
    Good to hear you are putting it to good use! How is it holding up? I'm considering one of my own... :P  

  4. Daniel said...

    You should indeed get one!
    You could fit your iPad in it :P

    It's holding up fairly well. A little scruffy, but I do put it through a lot~  


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