Two Days in Tokyo

Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd make a little blog post to let you guys know how I'm doing. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday (Monday) morning with little fuss (aside from the many hours of delays in Sydney) and I'm already enjoying my trip immensely!
Whilst I was on the flights I made a point of getting to know the people I was sitting next to. I met a lot of interesting people, but perhaps the most interesting was Suzuki-san, a Japanese man I met on the Sydney-Tokyo leg. I talked (I should say listened) at length with this man and learned of many interesting things, not the least of which was his personal history. He was an ex-motorbike-racer turned businessman and (get this) Greenpeace anti-whaling activist. It was amazing talking to him!

There's a lot that I want to say about Japan already, but I have my Japanese placement test on tomorrow so I think I'll head off to sleep. I hope my future blog posts can be more entertaining than this one ;)

I do have a treat for you all though - a video of my shoebox! Wait, no, it's a room... (click the title link to go to the actual blog page if you can't see it below).


  1. Robert said...

    Dannnnn... I can't watch the video, 'tis set to private :P
    Good to hear you are enjoying yourself! I am sure John would be very jealous to hear about your meeting with a Japanese Businessman... :P
    What is this Placement test you have to do tomorrow?  

  2. Daniel said...

    Hopefully I just fixed it!

    It's a test everyone has to do to see which level of Japanese class we get into. Too bad my head was so full of Japanese I couldn't get to sleep last for ages last night...  

  3. Robert said...

    Wew, it's so small! Looks cosy though!
    How'd the test go?
    Have you met many other exchange people?  

  4. Daniel said...

    Yes, I've met a lot of other exchange people - there are quite a few going to Waseda!

    The test went OK I suppose. I couldn't answer all that many questions, but that's to be expected. I think I'll be put into the level above beginner (hopefully!).  

  5. Matteo said...

    lol gud 2 c u haf gud rum i have already turned urz in2 my play room gg  

  6. lina said...

    lol, small room means less mess and easy to clean up. Quite neat and nice. I love how they could keep everything in such a small floor area. Hope you're having a great time over there... heh, beware the Japanese only gets more. ;)  

  7. moment beauty &life beauty said...

    What a Great Blog !! 素晴らしい!
    I should join the room tour.
    Good luck on your Japanese placement test.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Great video! Although the room's small, I guess you won't be spending too much time there so it's all good. Is that place just for exchange students?  

  9. Daniel said...

    @ Alan, yeah, the place is just for exchange students. Which is good and bad I guess. I want to speak Japanese!

    @Nobu - Thanks! I got my test result actually, and I did too well. They put me into a class that will be too hard I think ~_~". Oh well, I can change it!

    @Halina - that's true, but I actually have to clean it... oh well, that's something I have to learn! And yeah, everything's kinda daunting, but I think it will be fun.

    @Matteo - ~_~  

  10. lina said...

    :s you don't know how to clean? lol... it's daunting... but you get used to it. In fact, a year is a perfect amount of time to just get to know your way around and feel comfortable in a place... before you get bored that is. Hope you're settling in alright there.  

  11. xiao hui said...

    WOOOOH so cool u've got ur own fridge!!!
    the outside looks a bit like the village though..
    but it looks nice and cosy!! :D  

  12. Rowan said...

    Glad to hear you arrived there safe and sound and are enjoying yourself mate!:) That's a very nice room you got there too and its awesome that you have a balcony.

    Thanks for the tour and hope things are going well! :D  


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