Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd make a little blog post to let you guys know how I'm doing. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday (Monday) morning with little fuss (aside from the many hours of delays in Sydney) and I'm already enjoying my trip immensely!
Whilst I was on the flights I made a point of getting to know the people I was sitting next to. I met a lot of interesting people, but perhaps the most interesting was Suzuki-san, a Japanese man I met on the Sydney-Tokyo leg. I talked (I should say listened) at length with this man and learned of many interesting things, not the least of which was his personal history. He was an ex-motorbike-racer turned businessman and (get this) Greenpeace anti-whaling activist. It was amazing talking to him!
There's a lot that I want to say about Japan already, but I have my Japanese placement test on tomorrow so I think I'll head off to sleep. I hope my future blog posts can be more entertaining than this one ;)
I do have a treat for you all though - a video of my shoebox! Wait, no, it's a room... (click the title link to go to the actual blog page if you can't see it below).
- accommodation (1)
- application (1)
- baseball (1)
- exchange japan (12)
- exploring (1)
- food (1)
- goals (1)
- japanese (1)
- life (1)
- preparation (3)
- rainbows (1)
- saitama (1)
- scholarship (1)
- waseda (8)
- wic (1)
This Blog...
... is mainly a way for me to keep in touch with my friends and family while I'm away on my exchange at SILS, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan!
Dannnnn... I can't watch the video, 'tis set to private :P
Good to hear you are enjoying yourself! I am sure John would be very jealous to hear about your meeting with a Japanese Businessman... :P
What is this Placement test you have to do tomorrow?
Hopefully I just fixed it!
It's a test everyone has to do to see which level of Japanese class we get into. Too bad my head was so full of Japanese I couldn't get to sleep last for ages last night...
Wew, it's so small! Looks cosy though!
How'd the test go?
Have you met many other exchange people?
Yes, I've met a lot of other exchange people - there are quite a few going to Waseda!
The test went OK I suppose. I couldn't answer all that many questions, but that's to be expected. I think I'll be put into the level above beginner (hopefully!).
lol gud 2 c u haf gud rum i have already turned urz in2 my play room gg
lol, small room means less mess and easy to clean up. Quite neat and nice. I love how they could keep everything in such a small floor area. Hope you're having a great time over there... heh, beware the Japanese only gets more. ;)
What a Great Blog !! 素晴らしい!
I should join the room tour.
Good luck on your Japanese placement test.
Great video! Although the room's small, I guess you won't be spending too much time there so it's all good. Is that place just for exchange students?
@ Alan, yeah, the place is just for exchange students. Which is good and bad I guess. I want to speak Japanese!
@Nobu - Thanks! I got my test result actually, and I did too well. They put me into a class that will be too hard I think ~_~". Oh well, I can change it!
@Halina - that's true, but I actually have to clean it... oh well, that's something I have to learn! And yeah, everything's kinda daunting, but I think it will be fun.
@Matteo - ~_~
:s you don't know how to clean? lol... it's daunting... but you get used to it. In fact, a year is a perfect amount of time to just get to know your way around and feel comfortable in a place... before you get bored that is. Hope you're settling in alright there.
WOOOOH so cool u've got ur own fridge!!!
the outside looks a bit like the village though..
but it looks nice and cosy!! :D
Glad to hear you arrived there safe and sound and are enjoying yourself mate!:) That's a very nice room you got there too and its awesome that you have a balcony.
Thanks for the tour and hope things are going well! :D