
I'm a great believer in goals. I think that they are an essential part of life and that if you haven't set yourself a goal, any goal, then you aren't living your life to its fullest (feel free to dispute that claim in the comments!).
My goal up until now has been to travel to Japan. I'm about to fulfil that, so it's time to think of some new things to aim towards!
Specifically, these goals will be things that I hope to achieve during my stay in Japan. Some are almost a given, some may be a little odd and some may seem impossible, but I'll write them all down just the same.

My goals for 2009-2010:

And the super-challenge goals:
  • Get some Tohoshinki signatures at a fan-signing event.
  • Somehow appear on Japanese television.
  • Convince someone to let me drive a GT-R (this is definitely in the 'impossible' category!)
That's all I can think of for now. I may think of some more over time - and I'll let you know when I do!

12 days to go...


  1. Robert said...

    ...you're going to have to tell me what ペラペラ means, Google Translate says "Glibly" >.>
    Hehe, you should find and befriend some GT-R owning Japanese businessman and convince him to let you drive it :P  

  2. Daniel said...

    There, I added a link on the word. It's the first meaning.  

  3. Andrei said...

    Nice goalds Dan! You can always rent a GT-R =P  

  4. Daniel said...

    Hmm, now that's an idea I didn't think of!
    Good one...  


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