Maserati Factory

I don't have all that much time to write this blog, and the Italian keyboard is annoying me greatly, so Iìll keep this brief.

The day before yesterday, we went to visit the Maserati factory in Modena. It was great!
The new GranTurismo S is very nice. However, the best car being made at that factory was not, in my opinion, a Maserati. It was the Alfa 8C Competizione. I love that car!!
It was also interesting to note that the Alfa, as well as the Maseratis, are practically Ferraris. The engines and the bodywork are made completely at Maranello before being transported to Modena -- and the rest of the car is put together by hand. No robots.

Anyway, I have to go!

EDIT: Here are some pics! Also, a MiTo I saw in a dealer...didn't know they were out yet!


  1. Robert said...

    Ooh, sounds like you had fun. I love the Alfa 8C, its so pretty. :P
    Hoping to see some pics soon! :D  

  2. Daniel said...

    Ahh,I took a few photos of the foyer, but none of the factory itself, as they told me I couldn't ~_~

    I'll try to put some photos up though!  

  3. Robert said...

    Ooh, pics! I do love that Granturismo S.
    And a MiTo! :O
    Are they really small in real life?  

  4. Daniel said...

    Yeah, it's about as small as my 206!
    I was surprised to, but it makes sense -- they wouldn't want it to compete with the 147...  

  5. Unknown said...

    wow nice pics dan! sucks you couldnt take a pic in the factory itself, that would be cool!
    that granturismo is nicccceeee! i hope that front mouth/grill isnt plastic :( needs to be chrome :P
    have fun dan! ill seeya soon!  


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