Singapore, Again!

Hey everyone!

Sorry that it has been so long without an update -- I have been away from any internet~

So much has happened since I last wrote that it would be impossible to put it all here. So I'll just make a list:

  • We stayed at a winery in Tuscany owned by a Japanese man, and we had dinner with him one night. It turns out he is very closely connected with both the Italian and Japanese car industries: he worked with Giorgetto Giurgaro, met Enzo Ferrari, had a collection of classic cars including the Riley that the US General rode into Berlin after WWII, and had wine labels designed by Goro Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli. Amazing!!
  • We attended a medieval wedding in Suvereto, Tuscany. We had to dress up in olde fashined medieval garb, ate a ridiculous 12-course meal and were entertained by swordfighters and fire breathers! It finished at 2am :S
  • Matteo and I were taken by some Italian guys to a 'discoteca' (club). It was... interesting. The music was pretty trashy (they played YMCA) but the girls were very nice. Apart from the fact that most of them smoked :S
  • I had a Singapore Sling at the Raffles Hotel. I have been wanting to do this for a while, now my trip is complete!
That's about it for now! I'm in an internet cafe in Singapore (which is awesome, btw), and I'll be back in Adelaide on Sunday!


  1. Robert said...

    Ahah, good to hear that you're having fun! Can't wait till you get back and we can catch up! And see the Moving Rubber! :O
    Don't forget to have that Raffles Singapore Sling, I want photos of it! :P  

  2. Unknown said...

    sounds awesome! kinda sucks how the nice girls there smoke ugh!
    cant wait to catchup again!
    im counting down the hoursss!


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